Translations based on the Swedish versions published in FAR Online and the Omnibus/Samlingsvolym revision 2021.
Financial Statements
RevR 700 - Appendix 1 Auditor's report for a limited liability company without group
RevR 700 - Appendix 16 Auditor's report in EEA-branch offices
RevR 700 - Appendix 17 Auditor's report in foreign branch offices (non EEA-branch offices)
Corporate Governance Statement
RevR 16 - Appendix 1A Statutory scope of the examination of the Corporate Governance Statement
RevR 16 - Appendix 1B Extended scope of examination of the Corporate Governance Statement
RevR 16 - Appendix 2B Extended scope of the examination of a corporate governance statement
Examination of Prospectuses
RevR 5 - Appendix 1 The Auditor’s Report on new (or restated) historical financial statements
RevR 5 - Appendix 2 The Independent Auditor’s Report on a single financial statement